Awful phone, very slow.
Cubot GT88 - User reviews and ratings
29 September 2015, 15:23:13. Period of use: 6-12 months.
R Dittmar
11 October 2014, 09:18:44. Period of use: less than a month.
The mobile phone is really, really great for this price. However, it has only one drawback, which is very big - the battery does not last long. It can hold up to 8 or 10 hours of normal use. Unfortunately you can not find a suitable powerful battery on the internet. If it wasn't the battery, this would be a highly recommended smartphone.
Leah Sibley
26 September 2014, 14:12:54. Period of use: 1-3 months.
I have always bought big brand name phones until I bought a Cubot last year. When I bought this phone I was surprised at how good it actually was apart from having a small flash. I have this phone to be on par with the Samsung S5. The performance, the interface, everything about this phone is user friendly and I will definitely buy a Cubot again.